Monday, November 5, 2007



At Hardknocks we are a fast forward looking 21st century organisation, our aim is to be the market leader through embracing modern technologies. What we have achieved in less than one year could not have been dreamt two years ago. We have a dedicated and self driven team who are result oriented. Our studentship has grown and still growing, anyone who has been at Hardknocks feels obliged to give more to this organisation; we have witnessed students coming from elite institutions such as NIPA, Evelyn Hone, ZAMIM, etc to Hardknocks for intensive revisions towards the exam period.

We have created a creative climate where innovation is fostered, communication is extensive and enhanced its position as learning organisation. Our structure and process facilitates the creation of this environment and provide a commitment to individual and team development. The issue of a website is of a special interest to Hardknocks and all its stakeholders, we communicated to Ms Rebecca Denyer the Chief executive officer of MindPlanning Ltd in UK three weeks ago ( who is trying to link us to her contacts, fortunately even before everything materialised with Ms Denyer the management and its team have come up with a website powered by Google. The URL for hardknocks is: , please help in popularising this site by sending an e-mail to your friend using the e-mail post at the bottom of this newsletter. This new site will help all concerned stakeholders in meeting their respective interests. Students will be able to interact with each other and discuss issues which affect them and those who are not part of Hardknocks will have access to our best lecturers through ‘the ask your tutor’ facility, this enables students to ask exam based questions to our lecturers, as long as they indicate their e-mail address, name, and the name of their institution our lecturers will respond through e-mails in 48 hours time.

It is really gratifying to see students leave the comfort of their homes to come and spend sleepless nights at our secretariat, by getting into serious studies. The level of commitment from both the students and lecturers is so healthy; it is the same reason why the syllabi in most of the subjects were completed a long time ago. At Hardknocks we walk the talk, we do not discriminate on the basis of which college one comes from, and we intellectually offer our services to only those who ask for them. Let’s share the happiness of our site, perfection goes with time therefore will be thankful for any comments you will make.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. we ask ourselvesm who am I not to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? (You may recognize this from the film Coach Carter).

Having seen the determination of Hardknocks, I am obliged to think that we are headed for nothing but success.

Hambaba, Barbara,
Former NAtech student, soon coming back for ACCA!